Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The perks of playing a bloody video game

I just want to let this out once and for all. What happened to me is another lesson in life I ever wouldn’t forget. This will also serves as warning to those easy-pity-hearted people that that attitude shouldn’t prevail nowadays. In a country like Philippines where justice is always delayed or worst denied, behind it is a lousy government officials and a garbage government system. These people deplete the water-and-blood-hard-earned taxes of the common people without giving in return the just service people should be deserved.

No wonder some people engage to do bad things and I [maybe] can’t blame them because of the unbelievable type of government we have. This place is hopeless and will not become any better because this has already written in the Holy Scriptures. We just need to be very vigilant, stay safe and always pray for protection to keep us away from harmful elements lurking in this world.

I believe I am a good person and citizen and as much as I want to take revenge on this unknown person I couldn’t and wouldn’t. So the better way is to kill them is by playing the Condemned Criminal Origins. It is pretty gore and morbid. I just have to imagine that the person I am killing in the video game is really them. Through this, I can ram, punch, snap and slam them and their sorry faces as much as I want to.

To play the game, insert first this face to characters above and below.

My friends told me it is easy for me to recover but no I am enraged… deep inside. I just want to control my temper and try to be calmed as much as very possible. You know I have this autoimmune disease which always reminds me to avoid being upset and stress. I know I can win over this battle with God’s help and mercy. This feeling I have right now is just physical and will eventually heal in time.

For the meantime, I just have to outpour all my fury to this brutal video game to mollify the fire burning within in me.

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